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Senior Lecturer in Translational Neuroimaging


Expertise: Biomedical Engineering, MR physics, Neuroimaging and Neuroscience.

Contact: flavio.dellacqua [a]

Flavio Dell'Acqua


I'm a Reader in translational neuroimaging for the department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental  Sciences at King's College London and co-founder of the Natbrainlab.


I'm a biomedical engineer and neuroscientist with interests in MR physics and biomedical image analysis. My research focuses on the development and application of advanced Diffusion Imaging methods to study the organisation and integrity of human brain connections during normal development and in the presence of neurological or psychiatric disorders.


Together with my group, we are currently working on new tractography and spherical deconvolution methods to look at in-vivo and ex-vivo datasets and new ways to analyse large scale diffusion imaging data. We are also interested in the biophysics of diffusion signal coming from biological tissue and its application for novel quantification of micro-structural features in the living human brain.

From 2014 until 2019 I have organised the educational courses on diffusion imaging for the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), and I am currently chair of the Diffusion Study Group for the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).

I regularly teach about diffusion imaging and give lectures and workshops on:

  • Introduction to Diffusion imaging (DWI, DTI, basic tractography methods)

  • Advanced Diffusion imaging methods (HARDI, MultiShell Diffusion, Microstructure modelling, advanced tractography methods)

  • Neuroimaging methods applied to Neuroanatomy

  • Matlab, MRI, Image and Signal Processing

As of January 2022, I have published more than 80 papers (h-index 41) in journals including also Science, Nature Neuroscience and Nature Communications. For a list of publications, please see my Scholar and Scopus pages.

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